Product Examples
I got this product second hand as I wasn't able to order the illustrators work to the uk. I managed to find a seller on eBay and I got the T shirt as I am a fan of his work but I also wanted to see how he goes about printing his work on Tees.

The first thing I looked at was the quality of the print. I was surprised to see how well the design was printed on the t shirt. I am used to having low quality band t shirts and that was kind of what I was expecting however the print was ingrained in the fabric and even after washing multiple times it has not faded at all. The print did look slightly faded when buying however due to it being second hand I dont really know how the last owner washed/ treated.

The brand of the blank used was GILDAN which is very common for people to use one off production. But seeing as it was "Ultra Cotton" it felt better quality than most GILDAN blank t-shirts I have come across.

The design on the shirt is amazing. It is very original as far as I am aware and his work theme on creating "bad guys" which are like old school comic book villains or Scooby-Doo type monsters. His work consists of the mobsters and he does a yearly drawing challenge called "Season of the bad guys club" which is his more interesting version of Inktober in my opinion. The words used on the design stating "IM A PEST" is simple and slightly humorous which makes it a great design for a t shirt.

How illustrators have approached making their work into products
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I brought this print directly from the illustrator and I was impressed by the quality and some of the thoughtful details that came with it.
I love the textures that are provided with a linocut piece like this. I feel that the size makes the print feel and look impressive being A1 in size. I like the fact that it is quite simple but really effective. Details such as paper quality, embossed branding and a clear signature are small details but add a lot to the piece for me as a buyer.

The way this piece was packaged with care insured that the art was in perfect condition when it arrived. It came with a bundle of stickers from the artist which was a nice surprise and just another small detail that stands out to me when receiving something from a person or small business. The personal make it feel rewarding to receive from the artist and make me happy to have supported their work.


This product was brought from a fellow illustrator and friend of mine studying in Falmouth.

This is proof that you don't need to spend much to make your work look presentable. A simple plastic sleeve and a sticker for branding on the front is all it needs.

The print was done with riso and the bright pink and graphics remind me of a rave poster you would see in london which I really like.



I was gifted this product by my parents and having been a fan of Shrigleys work I love them. The simplicity of the product is what makes it and I think they're hilarious.

Due to the large fan base of David Shrigley his products are now mass produced and sold in gallery shops around the country. Although it is mass produced unlike the other products I have looked at there is a lot I like about the packaging that can be learnt from. The witty comment on the side saying "use responsibly" is a small detail which adds to the piece making it feel more complete.
I brought this print in a Ukraine fundraiser and the colour texture combination stood out to me. It was presented in a clear plastic sleeve and came with a business card. I thought the business card was a really nice touch so that people interested in her work can contact her if they wanted to have her work for them or visit her website to see what other work she does. The design on the back of the card is simple but effective and also really nice quality which makes me want to keep a hold of it. This is definitely something I would think about when selling my work next time as it is a simple way of getting my name out there.